Lanjigarh Alumina Refinery
Providing all refinery process know-how and concepts, refinery performance guarantee, basic engineering and commissioning support.
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Providing all refinery process know-how and concepts, refinery performance guarantee, basic engineering and commissioning support.
The Shell ‘Prelude’ project is embarking on a revolutionary step-change in liquefied natural gas (LNG) processing; a 488m long floating facility that will process, liquefy, store and transfer LNG at sea, directly above the natural gas field. Could the same floating concept be applied to an alumina refinery moored at a shipping berth close to a bauxite supply?
Refineries must continually improve to remain competitive. Making sustainable cost position efficiency improvements are a challenge... Beware the underlying trend of the market cycle!
In mid-2015 an already slow global titanium dioxide (TiO2) market showed signs of weakening further. An increase in global production capacity, combined with slack global demand, resulted in falling sales and lower prices.
Through Advisian’s alumina know-how, combined with our project delivery expertise, Ma’aden was able to deliver on a project that was previously unable to achieve sanction.
With high-grade ore deposits depleting and demand for resources continuing to increase, the mining industry is looking for ways to extract greater value from low-grade ore deposits.
Advisian and WorleyParsons are excited to be attending PDAC 2019 in Toronto, from March 3-6. Schedule a meeting and join our private event to connect with some of our most experienced experts and senior leaders to discuss current projects, opportunities, and solutions.
Applying extensive greenfield design experience and know-how to review and analyse refinery design
Advisian (previously WorleyParsons) acted in a leadership role for an initial refinery expansion study as part of an integrated team.
Better information = better decisions. A good full plant model improves quality and timeliness of investigations into potential benefits of process improvement scenarios and analysis of performance variations. So why doesn't everyone have one?