Case Study

Nikaitchuq Flowline Repair

Nikaitchuq Flowline Repair

Intecsea was engaged to perform engineering, procurement, and construction support for the repair of the multiphase production flowline between Spy Island Drillsite and the Oliktok Point Production at the Nikaitchuq field development.

The Challenge

The presence of internal corrosion in the production flowline necessitated a repair of the line to ensure a leak did not occur, and to minimize the overall impact on long-term production.

Our Approach

Work included an initial evaluation of the integrity of the flowline to ensure the remaining pipe wall thickness would reliably maintain production. This was followed by an in-depth evaluation of options available for repair, considering site-specific conditions, duration and window of opportunity to repair, and cost. Once a repair option was selected, detailed design, procurement and construction began.

The Results

The repair was successfully completed in December 2018. In addition, production through the repair pipe was enhanced with the installation of two multi-phase pumps, which were brought in service in late 2019.
