Case Study

Configuration study to optimize ROI for refining and petrochemical complex

Aerial view of a petrochemical plant at night, with lots of bright lights.

A configuration study to optimize return on investment that clearly identified the option with the highest return.

The challenge

Our client was looking to invest in a large-scale integrated refining and petrochemical complex. They wanted a techno-economic study that optimized the return on investment for the complex. The study was to evaluate a multitude of operating cases to identify the configuration with the highest risk adjusted return. 

Our approach

We conducted the study in a phased approach: 

Phase 1: We worked with the client to agree on a design basis. Using liner programming techniques, we built multiple configuration cases for consideration. We varied refinery unit configurations, petrochemical unit configurations, and derivative process units. We ranked each case using financial and non-financial key performance indices (KPI). Based on input from the client, the most promising cases from Phase One were chosen for further study. 

Phase 2:  The chosen cases from Phase 1 were studied further and the number of cases under consideration were reduced further. 

Phase 3:  A package of deliverables were developed to enable a Class II cost estimate to be developed for select cases. 

The results

We identified a clear option with the highest return for our client to move forward.
